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How to Prepare the new CCNP Collaboration Certification in 2020?

Cisco Collaboration solutions are very effective to transform a business on modern terms. It helps to improve business processes, speed decision-making, and boost productivity. Cisco Collaboration simplifies communication, inspires innovation and enables people to engage with each other through any device and from any place. Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification is the best way to prove your skills with Cisco Collaboration solutions. This blog answers the following questions:

What are the benefits of Cisco Collaboration?

Cisco provides industry-oriented Collaboration solutions. Multiple industries can assist their clients, meet digital transformation and business goals with the help of Cisco Collaboration solutions. Education Industry, Medical Industry, Manufacturing Industry and Financial Industry can speed up their business processes with Cisco Collaboration solutions. Some key benefits of Cisco Collaboration solutions are given below:

  • Cisco Collaboration is very beneficial to combine mobile, video and cloud technologies together. Its benefits include providing Unfied Communication UC, conferencing, client services and collaboration endpoints.
  • Cisco Collaboration solutions offers unified communication which merges every voice, video, data and mobile applications to facilitate collaboration.
  • It provides a safer approach in cloud environment or within organizations to enable the collaboration anytime from any place. To meet the needs of clients, Cisco Collaboration solutions include individualized omni-channel experience.
  • Cisco Collaboration provides high-quality video, whiteboarding, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which helps business class working. It has easy to deploy a cloud contact center solution with remote agents for inbound calls.

Why should you get the CCNP Collaboration Certification?

Collaboration has become a necessity for the success of a business. It brings innovations and transform business process. Cisco is one of the leading brands which offers multiple Collaboration solutions. You need to get the Cisco CCNP Collaboration Certification to verify your skills and knowledge in collaboration solutions. Unified communications network engineers are the target audience of this certification.  This certification authenticates advanced collaboration skills like designing, deploying, configuring, and troubleshooting Cisco Collaboration and Unified communications applications. It is beneficial for you career and enhances your capabilities to deliver a business value. Upon getting this certification you use your expertise to transform and enhance the efficiency of your organization’s collaboration experience. This certification benefits you in the following ways: 

  • You will learn about Configuring and troubleshooting collaboration endpoints. This certification verifies your abilities to streamline communication procedures, strengthen compliance measures.  
  • After getting this certification, you will be able to use Cisco Unified Communication features and integrate your infrastructure of the communication into portable, and secure collaboration solution. 
  • This certification enhances your grip on collaborative technology and strengthens your capabilities to access secure, collaborative work supports including video, voice, content, and remote workloads. 
  • You become eligible to handle communication challenges by using features of Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco IP Phone Services, Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Finesse. This certification verifies your abilities to implement Cisco automated, programmable solutions for voice, video, collaboration and conferencing on-premises or in the cloud. 

What are CCNP Collaboration Certification requirements?

It does not require any format prerequisite but to get this certification you should have three to five years of experience in implementing collaboration solutions. You pass two exams to get this certification. A core exam which is necessary and focuses on topics of collaboration infrastructure. This exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Collaboration certification. It means you can easily get both associate and expert levels certifications by passing this exam. Second requirement of this certification is passing the concentration exam. You can take concentration exam of your own choice and its primary focus is industry-specific topics. Each exam of the Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification can earn you an individual Specialist certification, which helps you to get recognized for your achievements. 

How do you prepare the core and concentration exams of the CCNP Collaboration Certification?

You cannot get this certification without passing the core and concentration exams. According to Cisco, there are four concentration exams and you have to take only one. Meanwhile, there is no choice in the core exam. Always get effective preparation material for the exams preparation and some are discussed below:

  • 350-801 Core Exam: This is a 120 minutes exam and besides the CCNP Collaboration certification it is also associated with CCIE Collaboration certification as well. The primary focus of this exam is on topics of Implementing Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies. You can prepare this exam by using 350-801 exam questions which contain comprehensive knowledge about real exam topics. 

Concentration Exams (Choose One): 

  • 300-810 exam: This exam is of 90 minutes and it measures your skills in Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications. It is one the concentration exams. Get 300-810 exam questions to prepare it. These exam questions provide you in-depth knowledge related to topics of Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unity Express, Cisco Unified IM and Presence. 
  • 300-815 exam: This exam tests your knowledge of advanced call control and mobility services, including Cisco Unified Board Element, Cisco Unified CM Call Control and Mobility. You can get 300-815 exam questions to gain comprehensive knowledge about real exam topics of Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and Mobility Services. 
  • 300-820 exam: Questions related to the topics of collaboration cloud and edge solutions appear in this exam. Get 300-820 exam questions to gain updated knowledge about complicated topics of Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions. 
  • 300-835 exam: This concentration exam of the CCNP Collaboration certification measures your knowledge and abilities of implementing applications that automate and extend Cisco Collaboration platforms. By preparing 300-835 exam questions, you can gain knowledge about complicated topics of Automating Cisco Collaboration Solutions 

Along with preparing these exams questions, you should also visit the official website of this certification and get the facilities of e-learning and instructor-led training. These learning sources give you detailed content about all exams. Besides the learning content, you also get authentic information about exams’ policies, registration, and last dates to take. Participate in online discussion communities and engage with experienced professional to know more about these exams and certification. It’s a cost-effective way of preparation and you should participate in it. You can get more ideas by participating in these online discussion communities.

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